support set

美 [səˈpɔːrt set]英 [səˈpɔːt set]
  • 网络支持集;支集;支撑集;支撑套装
support setsupport set
  1. For the so-called quadratic family , it is proved that , there exists a positive Lebesgue mea - sure set E in the parameter space such that the corresponding map has a dense critical orbit in the support set of the invariant - measure for all parameters in E ;


  2. The capacity enhancement of U type steel support set


  3. Her promise of support set my mind at ease .


  4. A New Type Advance Timbering Support Set for Air-return Gate


  5. , Ltd. The paper introduces the design conception , structural character , technical parameter and underground application result of the support set .


  6. Based on the area of support set , a function whose minimum determines the minimal support set ( MSS ) was constructed .


  7. Zend_Mime is a support set for handling multipart MIME messages .


  8. This algorithm use the K atoms selected by OMP algorithm as the initial support set to improve the quality of the original algorithms .


  9. The Temporary Support Set in Fully-mechanized Excavation Draft Allocation of Mechanized Operation Line for Rapid Heading in Deep Mine Large Cross Section Rock Roadway


  10. This paper proposes a kind of kernel function constructed by orthogonal polynomials . It is continuous on the total real axis and its support set is finite .


  11. A new type self-walking advance timbering support set is adopted in longwall coal mining face of Halagou Coal Mine , Shendong Coal District by Shenhua Group Co.


  12. Under the information combat big background , the modern warfare not only to army 's operational pattern , the training method proposed the new task , also for army 's administration , the logistics support set the new request .


  13. With government support set to play a crucial part in a deal , the participants are eager to nail down details before the election outcome potentially blurs authority between the Bush administration and its successor .


  14. Study on Features of Support Vector Set of Adaptive and Iterative Algorithm


  15. A test environment is composed of a test system and a test support tool set .


  16. An algorithm of reducing support vector set


  17. A Net Support Painting Set of Method in Harbin University of Science and Technology Main Sports Centre


  18. Support to set up and maintain MXM Export Compliance system .


  19. Construct n-order differentiable function with compact support in set of real numbers


  20. The Security table ( not currently fully implemented ) support a set of parameters required to support secure services communications .


  21. Prioritized support to set up economic entity or conglomerate integrating export , production and R & D based on brand ;


  22. For the sheer scale of government support seems set to spark a fully-fledged recovery or so the argument goes .


  23. Objective : To establish a TLC identification method of Rukang granules , and support to set up quality control standard for the product .


  24. Coordinate within company departments to provide strong product technical support , set sales strategy and perform sales management to meet company sales target for actuator products .


  25. The models consist of a set of foundation models , which in turn support a set of detailed models focused on a specific problem or modeling domain .


  26. A mathematical model for calculating the radiation intensity of natural gamma ray penetrating through the coal seam and the canopy of hydraulic support was set up .


  27. In addition to standard microprocessor instructions , DSPs usually support a set of complex instructions to perform common signal-processing com putations quickly .


  28. The recognition of strong influence points in support vector set by local perturbations is studied , since SVM with better generalized ability can be constructed by these strong influence points ;


  29. The team will provide laboratory , entomology and epidemiology support and set up laboratory diagnostics at the Hospital Agostinho Neto .


  30. When the margin support vector set was empty , some sample was added into this set by updating the model bias , so that the training algorithm could run again .
